vineri, 23 noiembrie 2007

music music music :)

Astazi parca totul s-a derulat in versuri ale unor melodii ...Nu stiu cum s-a intamplat asta dar cu o seara in urma ma apucasem sa schimb muzica de pe player si neavand o stare de spirit extraordinara am scapat prin playlist si ceva melodii mai putin optimiste...
Si cum spuneam,astazi,playerul meu  nimerea melodia perfecta cu versurile perfecte exact in situatiile potrivite.
So... Ora 7 de dimineata,suna telefonul,ma trezesc il inchid,ma uit pe tavan,apoi in stanga mea unde dormea playerul meu.Il trezesc si pe el ,dau play si ...
Unkle-Burn my shadow : I've burn my tomorrow
                                                    And i stand inside today
                                                    At the edge of the future
                                                     And my dreams all fade away
Si incep sa ma gandesc ca am visat numai ciudatenii ...brr...
Dupa rutina cu televizorul,cartoon network, desene animate si baut cafea ,facut ghiozdan si alte cele plec la scoala...
Staind-Open your eyes: As I walk along these streets
                                                 I see a man that walks alone
                                                  Distant echo of people's feet
                                                  He has no place to call his own
Ma intristeaz sa vad la coltul unei strazi niste copii cersind pe un frig 
pe care eu abia daca vreau sa ma duc la scoala  asa ca schimb melodia:
The Clash- I'm not down:If it's true a rich man leads a sad life
                                               That's what they say, from day to day
                                               Then what do the poor do with their lives?
                                               On judgment day, with nothin' to say?
Ajung la scoala...Lume multa,aglomeratie, zgomot,snobism,prostie,dar astea sunt la ordinea zilei doar ca a aparut cineva in fata mea care imi tot spunea chestii doar k nu eram prea atenta pentru ca ascultam
Pantera-walk: Can't you see I'm easily bothered by persistence
                             One step from lashing out at you...
                              You want in to get under my skin
                              And call yourself a friend
                               I've got more friends like you
                              What do I do?
Dupa orele petrecute la scoala ma durea capu omoara...profa la fel...(Maybe is me ,but i`m sick of wasting energy)

Ajung acasa fac de mancare ,intru pe mess...deschid winamp... si
Bjork - It's all so quiet:It's oh so quiet
                                              shh shh
                                               It's oh so still
                                              shh shh
                                             You're all alone
                                                  shh shh
                                             And so peaceful until...

                                            You fall in love
                                              zing boom
                                            The sky up above
                                            zing boom
                                              Is caving in
                                             wow bam
                                           You've never been so nuts about a guy
                                             You wanna laugh you wanna cry
                                          You cross your heart and hope to die

hmmm... :)

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